Computational geometry

Results: 1031

101Analytic geometry / Elementary geometry / Differential geometry / Projective geometry / Algebraic geometry / Conic section / Tangent / Differential geometry of surfaces / Intersection / Line / Quadric / Vector space

Manuscript, 12 OctoberLINE PROBLEMS IN NONLINEAR COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY FRANK SOTTILE AND THORSTEN THEOBALD Abstract. We first review some topics in the classical computational geometry of lines, in particular the

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Language: English - Date: 2013-01-29 16:54:21
102Theoretical computer science / Computational complexity theory / Analysis of algorithms / Geometry / Visibility / Viewshed / Time complexity / Algorithm / Motion planning / Viewshed analysis

Efficient viewshed computation on terrain in external memory Marcus V. A. Andrade1,2 , Salles V. G. Magalh˜aes1 , Mirella A. Magalh˜aes1 , W. Randolph Franklin2 , and Barbara M. Cutler3 1 2

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Language: English - Date: 2009-11-19 21:17:30
103Operations research / Linear programming / Convex optimization / Combinatorial optimization / Computational geometry / Bounding sphere / LP-type problem / Simplex algorithm / Time complexity / Mathematical optimization / Integer programming / Duality

50 LINEAR PROGRAMMING Martin Dyer, Bernd G¨artner, Nimrod Megiddo and Emo Welzl

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Language: English - Date: 2016-07-12 11:32:46
104Polygons / Computational geometry / Convex geometry / Euclidean plane geometry / Shading / Convex polygon / Intersection / Simple polygon / Monotone polygon

Constructing Shaded Maps with the DIME Topological Structure: An Alternative to the Polygon Approach Michael E. Hodgson Geography Department University of South Carolina ABSTRACT

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Language: English - Date: 2008-08-30 00:07:50
105Graph theory / Topological graph theory / Graph operations / Topological graph / Cycle / Vertex / Orientation / Graph / Planar graphs / Algebraic graph theory / Dual graph / Line graph

Discrete & Computational Geometry manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Erratum to: Improved Enumeration of Simple Topological Graphs Jan Kynˇcl

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Language: English - Date: 2014-06-06 11:21:01
106Differential geometry / Computational linguistics / Natural language processing / Language modeling / N-gram / Differential geometry of curves / Exponentiation

Microsoft Word - IJSCCPS010201 MENEZES_figures 1-6.doc

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Language: English - Date: 2011-12-14 08:00:47
107Computational chemistry / Spectroscopy / Chemical physics / Intermolecular forces / Molecular modelling / Water model / Molecule / Hydrogen bond / Infrared spectroscopy / Properties of water / Molecular geometry / Molecular vibration

Instantaneous normal mode analysis for intermolecular and intramolecular vibrations of water from atomic point of view Yu-Chun Chen, Ping-Han Tang, and Ten-Ming Wu Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 139,

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Language: English - Date: 2013-12-08 22:52:50
108Polygons / NP-complete problems / Computational problems / Computational geometry / Combinatorial optimization / Art gallery problem / Visibility graph / Simple polygon / Clique / Cut / Optimization problem / Polygon covering

Approximating Visibility Problems within a Constant E. M ARKOU Computer Science, ECE, National Technical University of Athens, Greece C. F RAGOUDAKIS Computer Science, ECE, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

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Language: English - Date: 2016-05-24 11:28:43
109Multivariate statistics / Dimension reduction / Riemannian geometry / Machine learning / Computational statistics / Tensor / Nonlinear dimensionality reduction / Dimensionality reduction / Isomap / LaplaceBeltrami operator / Manifold / Metric tensor

Unsupervised Dimensionality Estimation and Manifold Learning in high-dimensional Spaces by Tensor Voting Philippos Mordohai and G´erard Medioni University of Southern California email: {mordohai,medioni}

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Language: English - Date: 2007-08-16 15:43:24
110Polygons / Computational geometry / Approximation algorithms / Art gallery problem / APX / Vertex

Maximizing the Guarded Boundary of an Art Gallery is APX-complete ⋆ Christodoulos Fragoudakis a , Euripides Markou b,∗,1,2 , Stathis Zachos a,c a Computer b Department

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Language: English - Date: 2016-05-24 11:28:44